Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Affordable Home-Revit Drawing

In this project we created a house that would be affordable to a low level income family.

After finishing this project I learned a lot of new things, such as all of the different rules to building a Habitat for Humanity house.  My favorite part of the project was adding my own touches to the inside of the house with the usage of components.  What I did not like about this project was having to create many tiny details, such as making the house follow code.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shed Activity - Revit

In Autodesk Revit,  we made a realistic shed.  We had to create a drawing of it, with different views and labeled parts.  I learned how work my way through doing many different things in Revit, such as how to create many different layers within a wall.  The most challenging part of making the shed was organizing all of the different layers in the right order, in the wall.  Building this shed is relevant, because engineers in the real world have to make buildings of great technicality.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Design Charette Project

I learned all of the roles for building of a project.  I liked drawing the picture, and also coming up with a design for the new building.  I did not like having to create it with such a large group of people, who were all not reliable.  I would have chosen a different job in our project to do that would be more fun.


Danny Langevin- Architect
Andrew Rohkohl- Architectural Engineer
Joe Siddy- Buildin
Michael Sidell- Cost Estimator
Joe Doran- Civil Engineer
Darshan Padmanabhan- Structural Engineer

Goals for Restoration

Structural Engineer:

  1. The building must be able to withstand the forces of nature that will be applied to it.
  2. The building must be able to stand on its own.

  1. Restore the Farmhouse.
  2. Make sure restoration meets the original design/look

Architectural Engineer:
  1. To make sure that the original design of the house remains intact
  2. To make sure that the construction does not harm the original house
  3. To make sure the restoration is done without harming the house
  4. To maintain the house to its original image
  5. To make sure that the structure of the house is stable

Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer:
  1. Make sure plumbing is up to code
  2. Make sure wiring is up to code
  3. Make sure heating/cooling systems are up to code
  4. Make sure building has adequate entrances and exits that are up to code
  5. Make sure foundation of the building is stable

Civil Engineer:
  1. What is it going to look like?
  2. What materials are going to use?
  3. How are we going to make it safe?
  4. How can we use the building the way it is to make it better?
  5. What color paint are we going to use?

Cost Estimator: "We have an unlimited amount of money in our budget due to the fact that It is government funded.”
  1. What needs to be rebuilt?
  2. What materials could we afford to use rebuilding?
  3. Can we afford to rebuild it all? YES
  4. Are there any parts that can go without rebuilding for right now?
  5. Do we have enough money and time to rebuild previous renovations that were done poorly?

Common Goals


Reside the entire building
Replace the windows
Repaint entire building
Re-enforce structural elements of house
Fix sagging roof, if not able to install a NEW roof


Repaint interior to as close to as old color as possible
Sand and resurface floors
Replace rotten wall

Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

In this project we made a roof of our choice, on top of a Kleenex box.  We had to show all of the different layers of the roof in our project.  In this project I learned about all of the different parts in a roof.  Things such as roof tiles, roof joists, and the tar underneath a tile.  I liked building the project because, it is fun to do hands on projects.  It is lots of fun to build these types of things.  There was nothing that I did not like doing in this project.  If I could re-make this project, I would use a larger Kleenex box to build my roof.

Fact Sheet:

For my roof project I created a Gable roof.  Their disadvantages are that they are terrible for hurricanes.  The wind catches underneath them, and tears it right off. The advantage of this roof though is that it is very simple to create.  These roofs are seen in Europe, and the USA.  They originated in Europe in the 1840’s.

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Civil Engineering Career

We interviewed Civil Engineers, and Architects, for information on their career.  We also searched information on Civil Engineering, answered questions, and made a video on it.  I interviewed Rhonda Pierce, Pierce Pini and Associates inc..  If contact with the engineer is needed, email  I will get back to you as soon as possible then with her info.  In completing this project I learned that a good knowledge on physics is important in Civil Engineering.  I liked learning about all the different projects Civil Engineers are involved in.  There was not anything that I did not like.  What I would do differently is make a more interesting video.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CEA Architecture

The project that I did this week was the Architecture project.  I built a model of Spanish architecture for class.  From completing this project I learned how to create a structure using key elements from a specific piece of architecture.  My favorite part of this project was creating the roof of the structure.  My least favorite part was cutting the walls, because it was hard to give them a clean and straight edge.  If I could do anything differently, I would choose an easier architectural style to create.