Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

In this project we made a roof of our choice, on top of a Kleenex box.  We had to show all of the different layers of the roof in our project.  In this project I learned about all of the different parts in a roof.  Things such as roof tiles, roof joists, and the tar underneath a tile.  I liked building the project because, it is fun to do hands on projects.  It is lots of fun to build these types of things.  There was nothing that I did not like doing in this project.  If I could re-make this project, I would use a larger Kleenex box to build my roof.

Fact Sheet:

For my roof project I created a Gable roof.  Their disadvantages are that they are terrible for hurricanes.  The wind catches underneath them, and tears it right off. The advantage of this roof though is that it is very simple to create.  These roofs are seen in Europe, and the USA.  They originated in Europe in the 1840’s.

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